Our central values stem from the first commandment in Deuteronomy 6:5; "Love the Lord your God with all your heart..." and Jesus's teaching in Matthew 22:37-40; ie "Love your neighbour as yourself." (New International Version)
Many people switch off when they hear the word Missionary. For us, however, being missionaries simply means responding to the suffering we have witnessed in many different parts of the world. Everywhere we have been, God has brought us into contact with the very real needs of a suffering people, and has shown us where our skills and knowledge can bring about very real, permanent change to improve their lives.
To the neglected children
We want to build and refurbish orphanages
We want to build and refurbish schools
Shadi is eight years old, he suffered a fall when he was four years old, leaving him unable to walk properly or use his right arm, he has been traumatised for the last four years. We are planning to arrange physiotherapy and counselling for him when our new clinic is operational, and also to equip his family to continue his rehabilitation...
The work we do has an immediate impact on the living standards of the community, and this has always been rewarding for us as well. Digging and cleaning up wells is a lifesaver in an immediate, very real sense. The construction of this well and the subsequent clearing of contaminants, such as e-coli, was completed in 2007.
To the forgotten elderly.
We want to build and support your refuge / care home.
Our work in orphanages to improve the children's living conditions and refurbishing schools is a visible encouragement for us to strive to do more...
This is part of the orphanage, which includes a temporary classroom...
To the sick and birthing mothers
We want to build and support your clinic and birthing rooms.
Our work in orphanages to improve the children's living conditions, and refurbishing schools is a visible encouragement for us to strive to do more...
The evolution of our work over the past few years, from Missionary Outreach adopting a largely supporting role in projects organised by other organisations, to us undertaking wide-ranging community developments ourselves, has been a big step.
Your support for our work will be an immense encouragement not only to us, but more importantly to the communities we are working with.
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For alternative methods please go to the support page.